Friday 29 March 2013

Music for Good Friday 2 - Improperia

The Improperia, or Reproaches, sung during the Adoration of the Cross in the Good Friday Liturgy

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Quia eduxi te de terra Aegypti: parasti Crucem Salvatori tuo.
I led you out of Egypt from slavery to freedom, but you have led your Savior, and
nailed Him to a cross.

Agios o Theos.
Sanctus Deus. (Holy God)
Agios ischyros.
Sanctus fortis. (Holy, Strong)
Agios athanatos eleison imas.
Sanctus immortalis, miserere nobis. (Holy, Immortal, have mercy upon us)

Quia eduxi te per desertum quadraginta annis: et manna cibavi te, et introduxi te in terram satis bonam: parasti crucem Salvatori tuo.
For forty years in safety, I led you through the desert, I fed you with my manna,
I gave you your own land, but you have led your Savior, and nailed Him to a Cross.

Agios o Theos.
Sanctus Deus. (Holy God)
Agios ischyros.
Sanctus fortis. (Holy, Strong)
Agios athanatos eleison imas.
Sanctus immortalis, miserere nobis. (Holy, Immortal, have mercy upon us)

Quid ultra debui facere tibi, et non feci? Ego quidem plantavi te vineam meam speciosissimam: et tu facta es mihi nimis amara; aceto namque sitim meam potasti, et lancea perforasti latus Salvatori tuo. O what more would you ask from me? I planted you, my vineyard, but sour grapes you
gave me, and vinegar to drink, and you have pierced your Savior and pierced Him with a spear.

Agios o Theos.
Sanctus Deus. (Holy God)
Agios ischyros.
Sanctus fortis. (Holy, Strong)
Agios athanatos eleison imas.
Sanctus immortalis, miserere nobis. (Holy, Immortal, have mercy upon us)

Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum cum primogenitis suis; et tu me flagellatum tradidisti.
For you I scourged your captors, their first born sons were taken, but you have
taken scourges and brought them down on Me.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego eduxi te de Aegypto, demerso Pharaone in mare rubrum; et tu me tradidìsti principibus Sacerdotum.
From slavery to freedom I led you, drowned your captors. But I am taken captive
and handed to your priests.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego ante te aperui mare, et tu aperuisti lancea latus meum.
Your path lay through the waters, I opened them before you, my side you have laid
open and bared it with a spear.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego ante te praeivi in columna nubis: et tu me duxisti ad praetorium Pilati.
I led you, held securely, My fire and cloud before you, but you have led your
Savior, hands bound to Pilate's court.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego te pavi manna per desertum; et tu me caecidisti alapis, et flagellis.
I bore you up with manna, you bore me down and scourged me.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego te potavi aqua salutis de petra; et tu me potasti felle, et aceto.
I gave you saving water, but you gave me soured wine.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego propter te Chananaeorum Reges percussi: et tu percussisti arundine caput meum.
The kings who reigned in Canaan, I struck way before you. But you have struck my
crowned head, and struck it with a reed.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego dedi tibi sceptrum regale; et tu dedisti capiti med spineam coronam.
I gave you a royal scepter but you gave me a thorn crown

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Ego te exaltavi magna virtute; et tu me suspendisti in patibulo Crucis.
I raised you up in power, but you raised me on the Cross.

Popule meus, quid feci tibi? aut in quo constristavi te? responde mihi.
My people, My people what have I done to you, how have I offended you answer me!

Miserere nostri, Domine!

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