Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Birthday of St. John the Baptist

Happy Feast!

(A particular favourite feast day of mine, as the ancient (now Anglican) Parish Church of my home town is dedicated to St. John the Baptist)

St. John the Baptist Church

Saturday 13 June 2015

St. Anthony of Padua

Today is the Feast of one of my oldest friends in Heaven, St. Anthony, the wonderworker of Padua.

Although perhaps best known and invoked for his help in finding lost articles, it is worth recalling that one of the greatest miracles attributed to this Saint involves the delivery of his 'brief' to a woman on the verge of suicide, which enabled her to recover herself and turn away from this ultimate act of self-harm. The brief is a short prayer, or rather statement, invoking Our Lord as the 'Lion of the the Tribe of Juda' and commanding the flight of evil powers. It is traditionally either printed on linen and worn under clothing, or incorporated into a medal in the form of a cross.
St. Anthony's Brief

As a teacher who works with youngsters who are experiencing mental health issues, I frequently encounter people with suicidal thoughts. This can be a particular issue around this time of the year when the stress of exams can take its toll. I therefore ask St. Anthony's prayers for all who, at this time, are being troubled by hopelessness and thoughts of ending their lives, and would ask my readers, of your Charity, to do the same.

Sancte Antoni, ora pro nobis

Friday 12 June 2015

St. John of San Fauondo - Confessor

I had not come across St. John of San Facundo, whose Feast Day occurs today

He was born John de Gonzalez in the town of Saint Facundo, near Sahagun , in northern Spain, in the year 1430 . He was by all accounts a brilliant young boy, educated in the household of a bishop. He was Canon of the Cathedral of Borgos, and subsequently became one of the Hermits of Saint Augustine. His devotion to the Blessed Sacrament was so great that he spent every night, from the hour of Matins at midnight, to the hour of Mass in the morning, in adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist. He was often privileged in the saying of Mass to see Our Lord visibly in the Blessed Eucharist. Our Lord favoured him with gifts as a peace-maker through his powerful preaching. Saint John of Saint Facundo is the patron saint of Salamanca in Spain. He died 1n 1479.

Having recently celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi, it is apt that we recall a Saint who experienced Eucharistic Miracles. Perhaps it is also apt to ask his prayers for peace at this time when there is so much discord and war in the world.

Ora pro nobis.

Thursday 11 June 2015

St. Barnabas, Martyr


Appointed to assist the Apostles in the work of the early Church, and traditionally identified as a relative or brother of St. Mark, Barnabas accompanied St. Paul on his first missionary journey. He is believed to have been stoned to death in 61A.D. He is one of the Saints mentioned in the Roman Canon.

Ora pro nobis


Happy Feast

Wednesday 10 June 2015

St Margaret of Scotland

Today is the Feast, in the Extraordinary Form calendar, of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, niece of Edward the Confessor, and wife of King Malcolm.

Ora pro nobis

Happy Feast!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Corpus Christi


Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum

Happy Feast

Sweet Sacrament Divine - Lovely old hymn that I remember from childhood
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